In December 2021, the National District Attorneys Association (NDAA), in partnership with CNA’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation (CNA), received funding through the Department of Justice (DOJ), Office of Justice Programs (OJP), Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) in federal Grant Award Number O-BJA-2021-140001 (federal award identification number 15PBJA-21-GK-04009-MUMU), to develop and implement a prosecution research collaborative (PRC).
The goal of this project is to expand the use of evidence informed practices to improve public safety and build trust within our communities. To that end, the project aims to review existing research, identify research gaps and best practices, and produce resources and training to complement prosecutorial initiatives that focus on violent crime reduction. Another goal of the project is to provide short-term, in-depth research assistance to prosecutors’ offices that are experiencing an increase in crime to help better inform their practice.
In furtherance of this project, a group of cross-disciplinary experts, academics, prosecutors, law enforcement officers, and service providers have been identified to act as an advisory board to the collaborative. The advisory board will work to review relevant research and provide input and experience as we begin to identify and create resources and training content for the field.
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